Though mostly symbolic under the new system, the nationalists, in their new political posture, also provided the much-needed support for the ruling party to attain a simple majority, at least, in the parliament.
Tag: Turkey
Turkish-American Relations under strain
On May 16, 2017 Presidents Erdogan and Trump had talks in Washington. A few days before the visit I had said:
“…neither Ankara nor Washington can afford a too rocky relationship with too many ups and downs. They need one another and a reasonably steady relationship. So, the uneasy, unhappy alliance will continue.” (*)
Gulf Crisis and Turkey
Middle East leaders have been quite outspoken in individually expressing their agony over Middle East’s fratricide..
New Economy, New Turkey
Heraclitus, the great philosopher of Ionia, pointed the “eternal transformation” by saying “Lightning never strikes twice” approximately 2500 years ago. The economy-based decision processes played an important role in the formation of many transformations, destructions and reconstructions.
The stumbling emergence of Social Democracy in Turkey
An Iceberg in Eastern Mediterranean: “Negotiations Process in Cyprus”
Negotiation Process in Cyprus is an important issue that has come back to the burning agenda of international diplomacy with the Joint Declaration that was made on February 11, 2014 in Cyprus.
AKP and the Politics of “Impossible Brotherhoods”
AKP officials have preferred to refer their supporters and political allies in the framework of “brotherhoods” or “sisterhoods.”