The success of the 3S-Scare Strategy
Tag: Akp
2 September 201522 February 2021Politics
Political Psychology of Peace and War: Peace as a Psychological Need
The common view is that Turkey is on the verge of civil war as well as war; in fact, the categorical distinction between a war and a civil war is..
6 March 201422 February 2021Politics
AKP and the Politics of “Impossible Brotherhoods”
AKP officials have preferred to refer their supporters and political allies in the framework of “brotherhoods” or “sisterhoods.”
5 March 201422 February 2021Politics
AKP vs. AKP: A Political Tug-o-War
Power struggles within AKP intensify while Turkey is on the verge of a fundamental paradigm shift. The year 2012 started with the labor pains of a new direction that the country is confronted with. Indigenous factors that are of structural and local nature are crucial in understanding and explaining this change of course.